Adult Confirmation Classes

Adults seeking confirmation should contact Luke Donahue. Depending on interest level, classes will start at various points throughout the year. Classes are typically in the evening or through individual appointments. For example, in 2023-4, we had one college student do individual classes with Luke, one group doing Confirmation preparation in Spanish on Thursday evenings from December through September, and one bilingual group meeting for preparation on Sunday nights throughout the summer.

St. Regis Academy Preparation

In 2024-2025, all logic scholars (children in 6th - 8th grade) who are Catholic will participate in sacramental preparation for confirmation during their regular Catholicism classes. Through this preparation, they will learn more about the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit's impact on their lives, they will  grow in imitation of Christ as a servant of others, they will grow in relationship with the Church through the choice of a sponsor and a patron Saint.

Children's Confirmation Classes

The St. Regis Confirmation process is designed to prepare parishioners in 6th grade or older for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The program includes several classes, required service hours, a retreat, and close cooperation with a sponsor.

Registrations for the 2024-25 school year have already begun. Please pick up a registration form (in English or Spanish) from the kiosk in the entryway or download it from the link below. 

Students in 5th grade and above who have not received first communion, start with First Communion classes.  Students who are in 6th grade or older who have already done 1st communion will prepare for Confirmation. All classes meet on Wednesdays from 6 pm - 7:30 pm. The 2024-5 classes will start on Wednesday, August 28. There will be a mandatory meeting for parents during the first day of classes. 

Bishop Johnston will be confirming the 2023-24 class here at St. Regis on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024 at 7 PM. This class will have their retreat on Sunday, September 8.

Confirmation for the 2024-5 class is tentatively scheduled for Friday, September 12 at 7PM.

Please contact Luke Donahue at for more information


Role of the Godparent/Sponsor


It is expected that each confirmand have one sponsor. Sponsors should exhibit the following qualities:

Sufficient maturity to fulfill their function (at least 16 years of age)

Practicing Catholic in good standing with the Catholic Church

If married, must be married in the Church. If single, may not be cohabiting (living with a partner).

Having received Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist

Freedom from any impediment of law to their fulfilling the office of sponsor

May not be the natural or adoptive parent of the confirmand (Cf. Canon 893).



Confirmation Names

We encourage candidates to choose a Saint (or "Blessed") to take as a patron for confirmation. The student will research and write a short essay about the Saint, and (s)he is encouraged to grow in relationship with that Saint through prayer. The Saint should be someone whom the candidate respects and with whom (s)he has a special relationship. Candidates will sometimes choose Saints because of a shared culture or interest. We require students to research more than one Saint, so that they can be sure they are making their choice with due diligence.

2022-23 Confirmation Class

Confirmation 2023

Congratulations to our 36 candidates who were confirmed September 6, 2023 by Bishop James Johnston here at St. Regis! Next year's confirmation date is Wednesday, September 18.