Adult Faith Formation

This Man Is You

That Man is You is an interactive men’s program focused on the development of men in the modern world. It combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families and greater society.

Each session starts with a hot breakfast and is over by 7:30am.



Evangelization and Parish Life

Interested in joining a Faith Journey group?

These small groups meet regularly to provide opportunities for meaningful conversations with fellow “pilgrims” regarding life, faith, God, struggles, healing and other important aspects of our lives.  The groups are typically facilitated by a leader(s) using an established program as a guide.  Joining a Faith Journey group will compel you to persevere,  growing in the Grace of God. That’s why Christ built his church. Not a scattered set of random individuals, but a sacred community of believers.   We are The body of Christ.  In fellowship, you will thrive.  Contact Glen Ernstmann for more information.


Our Mission Statement

Recognizing that the task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Catholic Church, in the spirit of Blessed John Paul II’s desire for a New Evangelization, the John Paul II Society seeks to provide opportunities for education and spiritual growth for adults in the Catholic faith.

Parish opportunities for reflection on Holy Scriptures, Church doctrine and Church history may be presented in various settings such as:

  • Small group sessions
  • Retreats
  • Missions
  • Prayer groups

We will strive to encourage the centrality of adult faith formation to parish life in coordination with other councils and groups within the parish.  Activities will be done in a Eucharist-centered spirituality of communion with respect due to the different paths of different people and with sensitivity to the diversity of cultures in which the Christian message must be planted.


Keep your eyes open for upcoming events. Announcements will be made after Mass when a new class begins. Classes are typically free unless a study guide is purchased.

Adult Faith Formation Calendar

Recent Adult Faith Formation Events

Large crowd watching a re-enactment of the Passion
Jesus is nailed to the Cross