Annual Catholic Appeal

Each year, the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph makes an appeal to all the parishioners in the Diocese to donate and help fund important work in the parish and in the Diocese at large. This year, St. Regis is asked to give over $26,000. While you might think your contribution doesn't make a difference, every penny counts. Even if you cannot give much, we ask that you please contibute what you can. We hope for 100% participation from all families in the parish!

Your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) makes a difference right here at St. Regis.  There are some who ask why they should give to the ACA when they already support our parish and see the many wonderful things going on here at St. Regis.  You may not realize that many of these wonderful things result, in part, from Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) supported agencies that coordinate, train, and provide services to us.  Faith Formation classes, Youth Ministry, the Permanent Diaconate, Family Life…all these have an impact on our parish.

Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) ministries also reach beyond the boundaries of the parish.  Many Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) ministries provide services that are well beyond the scope of any single parish.  In combining resources, they can minister to the diverse ethnic populations in the diocese, provide much-needed spiritual support on our college campuses, and assist with services for seniors, low-income families, and individuals. 

During mid-October, parish members should have received a letter from Bishop Johnston requesting a pledge or gift to the 2024-2025 Annual Catholic Appeal. With the letter, you will receive a pledge card and a return envelope. Please mail your envelope to the Annual Catholic Appeal at the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

Last year, through your generosity, the Annual Catholic Appeal received more than $2,130,000 in gifts that are being used to share our faith with hundreds of thousands of people throughout northwestern Missouri. We ask again for your generous response to help our parish meet its goal for this year. If you did not receive a letter in the mail, please contact our parish office.

Click here to watch the video (English) (Spanish).

To donate, click here or fill out your envelope and return it to the parish office.

St. Joseph’s Guardian Circle

The St. Joseph's Guardian Circle of the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) seeks to recognize the vital role that individuals and families are playing in giving witness to the patron saint of the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph through their compassion and generosity.

We invite any individual or family contributing $1,000 or greater to the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) to accept an invitation to become a founding member of the St. Joseph's Guardian Circle.  Your gift will have a significant impact on the daily lives of those served by over 30 ministries, our parishes, schools, and agencies engaged in pastoral, charitable, and educational ministry.

To become a member of the St. Joseph Guardian Circle, check the appropriate box on the ACA pledge card or contact the Stewardship and Development Office at 816-756-1850.