Verso l'alto! To the heights!
“The higher we go, the better we shall hear the voice of Christ.” - Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Young Adults and Family Life
We were made to know God, have deep friendship with others, and to live out the mission of building the Kingdom. As young adults or young families, these things can prove to be difficult in our daily lives. At St. Regis we are striving to build a network of young adult and family life where we can live out our call to holiness, community, and mission. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Luke Donahue at ldonahue@regischurch.org or fill out the form below.
“The future is in your hearts and in your hands. God is entrusting to you the task, at once difficult and uplifting, of working with Him in the building of the civilization of love.”