2019 Annual Pledge Information
During October the ministries at St. Regis will be show cased at two Ministry Fairs through the 4 Pillars of Stewardship: HOSPITALTY, PRAYER, FORMATION AND SERVICE. The 50+ ministries and councils will be highlighted through one of the 4 pillars. These pillars form our church and parish community by our contributions of our Time and Talent. We also need to recognize the foundation for those pillars and ministries is our Treasure. Without your financial support our parish as well as our ministries would not exist.
This weekend, of November 3-4 is Commitment Sunday. It is the one Sunday of the year that we annually commit back to God a portion of our Time Talent and Treasure. Not out of obligation and duty, but out of a sincere desire. We freely give back out of gratitude for the many blessings God has bestowed on us.
During October parishioners received a letter from Fr. McCaffery along with a Time/Talent brochure and a Stewardship Appeal pledge card. Filling out and returning both of them are the first steps in showing your gratitude to God. If you have not been involved in a ministry this year, prayerfully consider selecting one that complements your talents, even if it is only prayer. Secondly, prayerfully consider a level of God’s treasure he has entrusted to you to give back to St. Regis. “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Many of our parishioners do not bother to fill out a pledge card but regularly put money in the basket. Unpledged funds collected each week do help to support the ongoing life of St. Regis. But, pledges are very important because they allow us to plan responsibly and to establish a parish budget for the coming year. Pledging responsibly, based on your best estimate of the year’s income, is important. And remember, a pledge can be adjusted – up or down! – during the year if your circumstances change.
Each family cannot make the same gift, but each family can make the same sacrifice. It starts with filling out and turning in a pledge card. As you pray about the amount you commit, keep in mind our budget requires a significant surge in revenue this year and we are asking you to prayerfully consider a 5-10% increase in your stewardship giving. We also have a goal of at least 50 parishioners switching to Online Giving.
Remember, fill out and bring your Time/Talent brochure and your pledge card November 3-4. God is never outdone in generosity.